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Agreement Partners Impulse4Women

Through this document we express our desire to have you as part of our Advisory/Ambassador Board in Impulse4Women “I4W” a Non-profit organization, registered in Madrid – Spain G-88168026.

The agreement is valid for a period beginning on the date of execution of this agreement and ending on September 1, 2024. The agreement can be renewed for an additional term under mutual agreement by both parties.

Should you choose to leave the Ambassador/ Advisory Board, or should Impulse4women choose to rescind the relationship, either party will provide one month written notice of this intention.

You agree that you will contact Impulse4women immediately in the event that you identify a conflict of interest arising from any other work you may be engaged in with your role as ambassador/ advisor to I4W.

We have 8 Expert Divisions with a maximum of 10 persons per Committee; Startups – Venture Builder/Incubator/ Accelerator – Business Angels – Family Office – Venture Capital – Corporate Venture Capital – Private Equity – Social Impact and our Ambassadors representing their cities and countries in the Tech sector.

The expected Requirements to be part of our Advisory/Ambassador Board?

A time commitment of at least 4 hours per year is required.

Must have relevant experience to the Expert Division to which you are Advising,

Will review and validate workshop and communications from the Expert Division(s) in which you are engaged.

What benefits are provided to members of our Advisory/ Ambassador Board?

I4W will provide visibility to the advisor/ ambassador through its Website including a Photo + BIO I4W will support and publish, if desired, any of your undertakings, interviews, papers, through our Social Media; LinkedIn - Instagram.


We offer you the possibility of participating as a speaker/mentor in our events or in those who request support, if you wish and your agenda allows.

You will be invited to our events and be the first to be notified as a priority.

All our documentation is required to be treated confidentially. It cannot be shared with third parties that are not part of Impulse4Women.


IMPULSE4WOMEN | Taryn Andersen
IMPULSE4WOMEN | Taryn Andersen

